In approximately two minutes, the VT1000 performs an extensive series of tests including:
Heater filament test: Short circuit
Heater filament test: Open circuit
Heater filament test: Tolerance check
Heater cathode insulation: Leakage
Heater cathode insulation: Short Circuit
Tests for heater current abnormalities
Amplification factor
Voltage gain
Power gain
Screen grid test
Mutual conductance test
Dual test for double triodes
Inter electrode leakage
Inter electrode short circuit
Flash-over (arc detection, high voltage breakdown)
Gas ionisation test
The VT1000 really opens the door to everyone to have an extremely simple, portable, reliable, inexpensive and safe way to test valves.
The VT1000 incorporates patent-pending technology and currently tests the following valves:
EL34/6CA7; EL34L; 6L6; 6V6/6v6GTA; KT66; KT77; KT88; 6550; 5881; EL84/6BQ5; ECC81/12AT7; ECC82/12AU7; ECC83/12AX7; ECC99; 12BH7