Soundcraft SI2

80x Telah Dilihat

Harga saat ini adalah: Rp 350.010.320. Harga aslinya adalah: Rp 437.512.900.

Stok: Sedang Dipesan

SKU: SCF11020002 Kategori: Brand:
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Soundcraft SI2

The Soundcraft Si2 is a smaller partner to the Si3, and is bound to appeal to those wanting a compact and highly-featured digital console at a competitive price.

The Si2 comes in a smaller footprint than its bigger brother and has 48 mic inputs mapped on 24 faders (the Si3 has 64 inputs), but this is where the differences end. Si2, like the Si3 has four dedicated Stereo Line channels, four dedicated FX Returns from the four stereo Lexicon FX processors, 8 balanced insert sends and 8 balanced insert returns. Si2 is complete with 24 Group/Aux busses available at all times, 8 matrix busses and a full compliment of monitor talkback and main bus outputs. One of the most unique and compelling features of the Si series is that every input and output has its own dedicated input (output) socket on the back of the console. The four 64×64 channel expander slots allow the installation of further I/O bringing the available inputs to mix up to 80.

Like the Si3, the Si2 uses a combination of rotary encoders and OLED screens on every channel so the engineer mixes at source, without recourse to a central screen, an interface welcomed by many engineers since the console’s launch last year. Four assignable on-board lexicon effect engines supplement 4 stereo inputs to provide a really powerful mix package.

This package will be highly suited for installations where a smaller footprint is critical, such as Theatres, Houses of Worship and smaller toursound systems.

With all input and output connections and power supply on board, the Si2 can simply drop in where an existing analogue console sits, utilising existing copper cable snakes and splitter systems.

One Box


  • 48 inputs, 4 stereo inputs, 24 bus outputs
  • 8 matrix outputs, 12 VCAs, 8 mute groups
  • 4-band fully parametric EQ with high and low cut filters
  • On-board dynamics
  • Four independent Lexicon processors
  • A physical output and meter for every bus



On the rear of this highly-featured console are all the I/O connectors you’ll need. Fourty-eight XLR’s for the mic/line inputs, 4 stereo line level inputs, 24 bus output XLR’s, 8 matrix output XLR’s Left/Right/Centre mix output XLRs, Left/Right/Centre monitor output XLRs and comprehensive internal and external talkback and Oscillator connections. There are also 8 analogue insert connections which allow outboard processing to be inserted into any input channel output bus.