TC Electronic Corona Mini Chorus

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TC Electronic Corona Mini Chorus

A Giant Leap For Chorus Kind

So much chorussy goodness in such a tiny pedal? People have been chased out of town for less, but we’re telling you, we did it! If THAT sounds too good to be true, wait until you hear this pedal! Lush, thick and swirly, in a form factor chorus-smugglers around the world and guitarists with precious little room on their boards would appreciate.
Size Matters

From subtle swells to full on Leslie sounds, the classic SCF sound and a huge sounding-trichorus, we’ve condensed that and infinitely more into a tiny pedal! No matter what your chorus needs may be, you can find just the right sound here – in a pedal that takes up next to no space on your board!
TonePrint – Signature Effects

Corona Mini Chorus is TonePrint enabled. This means you get the revered TC sound multiplied to infinity with rockstar customized versions of the best chorus sounds TC has to offer – free of charge!
SCF and Tri-Chorus

Did you know that the classic TC Electronic SCF Chorus sound is one of the true staples of music? Still used in every pro-studio and on countless pro guitarists’ pedalboard, the SCF’s beautiful sounds continue to define music.

We’ve also added a Tri-Chorus; three chorus engines that run simultaneously for a sound so awesome you should wear a helmet the first couple of times you play it – just so your brain doesn’t splatter all over the place when the sound blows your mind.

Berat 1 kg